Which is not a bad description of “Eephus,” a tiny but nearly perfect baseball movie that ambles into area theaters this ...
Two contemporary films reimagined the stories we tell about the sport.
The former major league pitcher, who has a role in the upcoming film “Eephus,” remains willing to share his offbeat outlook ...
In Carson Lund’s stylistically innovative directorial début, two amateur teams say farewell to a beloved field—but will their game yield a result?
Eephus, a movie about Sunday beer league baseball in Massachusetts, features Bill "Spaceman" Lee and Joe Castiglione.
In the annals of baseball movies, “Eephus” doesn’t belong in the Hall of Fame with “Bull Durham” or “A League of Their Own.” ...
Director Carson Lund's film follows the last game played by two adult Sunday league baseball teams on a field slated for ...
Director Carson Lund used to play seriously as a kid but caught the film bug. He bridges his two passions with 'Eephus,' a ...
The pitcher for the Paints ... “Eephus” belongs with the great baseball movies not because of any major league ambitions but because it understands what the game has meant and still means ...