Most of them involve semiconductor p-n junctions, in which a p-type doped region and an n-type doped region are brought into contact. Such a junction actually forms an electrical diode. This is why it ...
Still, modern manufacturing is dominated by two basic types of semiconductors: N-type and P-type. Like carbon, silicon has four electrons in its outermost electron shell, so it can form four bonds.
Two slices of N-type semiconductor, the emitter and the collector, form a sandwich with a layer of P-type semiconductor, called the base. P- and N-type semiconductors are made with different ...
Extrinsic semiconductors are divided into n-type semiconductors and p-type semiconductors according to the type of impurities ...
A solar cell is made of two types of semiconductors, called p-type and n-type silicon. The p-type silicon is produced by adding atoms—such as boron or gallium—that have one less electron in their ...
This article provides an overview of light-emitting diode (LED) technology, focusing on its efficiency, historical ...
The outer layers had to be a semiconductor with either too many electrons (known as N-type) or too few (known as P-type), while the inner layer was the opposite. Under Shockley's prodding ...
Bardeen, Brattain and Shockley had tested various combinations of p-type and n-type semiconductors under different conditions until they finally found a configuration that would allow a thin layer of ...
The fundamental assumptions of the LEC model are that the semiconductor can be electrochemically doped n-type (reduced) or p-type (oxidized), and that the doped (n-type or p-type) semiconductor is ...
The diode is built by joining together two semiconductor materials: an N-type material (rich in negative carriers or free electrons) and a P-type material (rich in positive carriers or holes). The ...
In this article, we explain what semiconductors are; how they work, with an eye to N-type vs. P-type semiconductors; what ...