Nine pilot whales have become stranded at Farewell Spit, at the northern tip of Golden Bay in the South Island. New Zealand's ...
Only six other spade-toothed whales have ever been found, but all those discovered intact were buried before DNA testing could verify their identification. New Zealand is a whale-stranding hotspot ...
New Zealand’s Indigenous people consider whales a taonga — a sacred treasure — of cultural significance. New Zealand has recorded more than 5,000 whale strandings since 1840.
More than 30 pilot whales that stranded themselves on a beach in New Zealand were safely returned to the ocean after conservation workers and residents helped to refloat them by lifting them on ...
Boaters spotted pilot whales off of Auckland, New Zealand, for the first time in decades, photos show. Photo from Reel Focus Productions, UnSplash Boaters off the coast of New Zealand spotted a ...
Fascinating footage of New Zealand’s unique marine mammals captured in Northland will feature on BBC’s landmark series ...
a type of beaked whale, was completed last week after a painstaking examination at a research center near the New Zealand city of Dunedin, the local people who led the scientific team, Te Rūnanga ...
Biologists from the New England Aquarium say 20 percent of all the right whales in the world are together, right now, off the ...
More than 30 whales became stranded on Ruakākā Beach in New Zealand over the weekend. Officials from the New Zealand Department of Conservation and members of the public helped rescue most of ...
A group of scientists saw over 75 North Atlantic right whales gathered in the Gulf of Maine. Here's what we know.