Very few research groups around the world utilize rheological NMR. The first coil, DIFF50, can manage a gradient strength of 50 G / cm / A, whereas the MICRO 5 gradient coil a gradient strength of ...
Instead, it is better to let the air that goes to the NMR probe pass through a coil of copper tubing that is immersed in cold solvent such as a water ice, dry ice/solvent or salt/ice cooling bath. Be ...
Synthetic cannabinoids, a class of new psychoactive substances, bind to cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 much more strongly than tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), raising public ...
Bruker NMR probes, automation technology and refrigeration equipment, for example, for combined high-performance NMR systems utilized in structural biology, small molecule and/or materials ...
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) was first experimentally observed in late 1945, nearly simultaneously by the research groups of Felix Bloch, at Stanford University and Edward Purcell at Harvard ...
Thus, it enhances the overall stability of the spectrometer and performance of the NMR probe. The SmartVT controller has been considerably optimized by adding innovative airflow monitoring and ...
400 MHz NMR for high-resolution, solution phase NMR spectroscopy experiments and applications, under automation. 60 sample automatic sample changer, with automatic tuning/matching probe for automated ...
Alternates between solid samples without probe removal Utilizes the current auto-tuning function and Auto Sample Changer as is Provides the same level of user-friendliness as liquid NMR probes for ...
which often increase protein solubility but may reduce signal to noise in cold NMR probes and so are worth screening also. Metal chelators (EDTA) and sodium azide at less than 50 μM should be used to ...
13C capillary flow probe and liquid handling robot and a 1.7mm microcryoprobe (the most mass-sensitive NMR spectrometer in UK academia). The facility is involved in tackling projects that impact on ...
We can study technologies that are already or nearly commercialized." Using NMR to Probe Batteries with Silicon Anodes ...
It adds to the overall spectrometer stability and NMR probe performance. The SmartVT controller has been greatly improved by adding novel airflow monitoring and regulation features, as well as the ...