Multiple bullets containing a tiny spectrometer could be shot into the lunar soil by an astronaut or rover, allowing analysis ...
Billions of years ago, so the theory goes, something around the size of Mars smacked into Earth, spewing a whole bunch of ...
China's Chang'e 5 mission brought back evidence that the moon had erupting volcanoes just 120 million years ago.
The rings of Saturn are among the most famous and spectacular features in the solar system. Earth may once have had something ...
Astronomers have long puzzled over Mars's unusual geography and triaxial shape. A new hypothesis by Michael Efroimsky of the ...
Volcanoes were erupting on the moon as recently as 120 million years ago, evidence collected by a Chinese spacecraft suggests ...
NASA's Artemis campaign will send the first woman and the first person of color to the moon's south polar region, marking ...
The study examined beads of volcanic glass collected by the Chang’e-5 mission, which landed on the moon in December 2020, and ...
Chinese spacecraft reveals surprising evidence of recent volcanic activity on the moon, challenging previous beliefs on lunar ...
New simulations show that Jupiter's massive moon Ganymede was knocked off its axis when it was struck by a roughly ...
Three tiny glass beads, from a sample of 3,000 taken from the Moon, have revealed evidence of recent volcanic activity.
But there are hints that small-scale volcanism continued until much more recent times. Observations from space have identified terrain that seems to be the product of eruptions, but only has a limited ...