The Spero microscope’s imager is a specialized, broadband, uncooled microbolometer camera that operates at video frame rates. Wide-field imaging provides a far larger field-of-view (FOV) than FT-IR, ...
The DP23M, a 6.4-megapixel digital camera with up to 1000 nm spectral response, has been designed for near-infrared microscopy applications and trustworthy, excellent greyscale and infrared microscope ...
Here’s an oldie but a goodie. [RunnerPack] stumbled upon an article from 2001 about building a stereo microscope from a pair of binoculars and a camera lens. With a ring light attached to the ...
A dedicated Olympus multi-photon microscope. Two separate, tunable, pulsed IR lasers, a Spectra Physics Insight X3 (680-1300 nm) and Spectra Physics MaiTai eHP DeepSee (690-1040 nm). Four PMT ...
The microscope, which weighs only 3 kg / 6.6 lbs, was completed with a shop-bought camera and light, with the whole device controlled by a Raspberry Pi computer processor. The best microscopes ...
At best they might have a basic digital microscope, but with only one camera, they can only show a 2D image that’s not ideal for detail work. The team behind [Stereo Ninja] hopes to improve on ...
FLIR, Advancing Electrocaloric Research with FLIR Thermal Imaging at Queen’s University Belfast. 05/03/2025 FLIR Systems UK ( ...
Bruker Corporation announced the launch of the LUMOSâ„¢ II ILIM , a quantum cascade laser (QCL) based infrared imaging microscope. The new LUMOS II ILIM redefines performance standards ...