NASA has released breathtaking panoramic images of Mars, offering an unprecedented view of the planet’s diverse terrain.
The Romans associated the planet with their god of war because it reminded them of blood while ​​the Egyptians called it "Her ...
The first color aerial photo captured of the surface of Mars During NASA's Ingenuity helicopter's second successful flight on Mars, on April 22, it took color aerial photos of the planet's surface.
The IR instruments on the Mars Mariner spacecraft successfully scanned the atmospheric and surface chemistry of Mars, trasmitting IR spectral data back to Earth. "The infrared spectrometer was a ...
Mars was long believed to be entirely red. However, NASA’s Perseverance rover has captured stunning images revealing blue rocks scattered across the Martian surface, challenging old perceptions.
Mars’ surface is covered in iron oxide minerals. Researchers found that ferrihydrite, rather than hematite, is mainly responsible for its reddish hue. Ferrihydrite forms only in cold water ...