A good logo can help skyrocket a company's name-brand recognition and success. (A bad one, on the other hand, can embarrass it). We've put together this list of the best, most beautiful tech ...
Featuring your company name, embellished with a little color and perhaps a few graphic touches here and there, your logo is your company's most important design element because it's the basis for ...
Benzinga offers a comprehensive suite of company logos in multiple formats. Current formats include full color, grayscale and company marks. Transparent background logos will be available in the ...
Korean Air rebrands for the first time in 40 years with a simplified new look by Lippincott designed to reach global ...
Facebook, the company, just changed its logo and is putting the new design all over its products to show that they are different than Facebook, the app. The new logo, unveiled Monday, features a ...
HP CEO Meg Whitman took the stage in Las Vegas on Tuesday at the company's huge annual customer ... naturally, needs a new logo and...drum roll please...this is it. The green box on top represents ...