Following up on his acclaimed first documentary on the Indonesian genocide of 1965, filmmaker Joshua Oppenheimer has released a companion feature, "The Look of Silence," which is competing for ...
Oppenheimer’s latest film, The End, is a Golden Age, post-apocalyptic musical crying out from the depths of the earth. In the late 2000s, the filmmaker Joshua Oppenheimer trained his camera on a ...
Nearly a decade ago, Joshua Oppenheimer accompanied a Central Asian oil tycoon on a shopping trip for a doomsday bunker. Oppenheimer, an acclaimed documentarian, wondered about the emotional ...
Josh Oppenheimer is in his second season as a member of Jim Christian’s coaching staff at Kent State. He was promoted from assistant to associate head coach in July. Oppenheimer came to Kent State ...
University of Oklahoma head men's basketball coach Porter Moser announced the addition of Josh Oppenheimer to the staff as an assistant coach on Friday, Sept. 5, 2024. Oppenheimer brings 15-plus ...
Joshua Oppenheimer wasn’t planning on making his narrative feature debut about the end of the world — and he certainly didn’t think it would be a musical. And yet, eight years after the idea ...
From Academy Award®-nominated director Joshua Oppenheimer (The Act of Killing, The Look of Silence) comes a poignant and deeply human musical about a family that survived the end of the world.
"The End" is filmmaker Joshua Oppenheimer's reckoning with the end times and humanity's last stand. As much as it's about the end it's about how we act now, the truths we bury and the lies we tell ...