The INPA stressed the dangers of the illegal wildlife trade, stating that smuggled monkeys may carry diseases such as ...
According to official figures, eight monkeys and three lion cubs have been recovered so far in operations carried out in ...
The war hasn’t stopped migration According to Yoav Perlman, director of the BirdLife Israel program of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI), despite the major turmoil caused by ...
Scientists examining an ancient cave have made a discovery about humanity's history that dates back some 110,000 years.
An additional lion cub was rescued from a hole near Bir Hadaj, a Bedouin town located in the Negev.The cub has ...
Remains ID'd of soccer-loving Itzik Elgarat, 'passionate sportsman' Ohad Yahalomi, 'cheerful polymath' Shlomo Mantzur, and 'beloved' Tsahi Idan; Herzog: 'Israeli hearts ache' ...
Ohad Yahalomi had worked for the Israel Nature and Parks Authority and was enthusiastic about wildlife.Credit...Ahmad Gharabli/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images Mr. Yahalomi was shot during ...
I never liked DST and was never convinced that the benefits proponents of the change to nature’s harmony cited ... and troublesome practice, Israel would, as a demonstration of solidarity ...
“For years, he worked at the Israel Nature and Parks Authority, dedicating his life to the preservation of nature. Out of his deep love for the desert, he co-authored a scorpion field guide with ...