A passenger ferry service in the Channel Islands is resuming its service next month. Shipping company Manche Iles Express ...
The ESS President, Deputy Peter Roffey says a number of factors outside the committee's control led to delays.
It's such a short flight from the UK for lots of sunshine and beautiful surroundings - and once you're here, everything is ...
Communities in Guernsey face "complex challenges that cannot be solved by the government alone", according to the island's ...
GUERNSEY politicians have been accused of adopting a ‘cynical’ approach to the Channel Islands’ joint tender process for ...
A SENIOR Jersey civil servant has questioned whether Guernsey was “ever really committed” to a joint tender process to find a ...
Two schools in Guernsey will be taking part in the final of an annual quiz for pupils from the Channel Islands. The Guernsey ...
He said his firm's takeover of Condor was more than a fresh look and was "ushering a new era for sea travel". "You will enjoy ...
THE liberation of the Channel Islands may be included in the UK’s celebrations of the 80th anniversary of Victory in Europe, ...
Jersey and Guernsey have long been recognised as leading international investment hubs, offering asset managers a compelling mix of professional ...
We are continuing to see Guernsey and Jersey structures being established for investment into and acquisition of ...
With one election just months away, Jersey and Guernsey are inspiring more women to consider a career in public office. | ITV News Channel ...