Fukuoka, a vibrant city in Japan, is renowned for its unique food culture. Small, open-air, mobile food stands – called yatai – offer an array of local delicacies and give the city its unique ...
Amid the baseball games, art galleries and temples, Kyushu island’s largest city has a street food and nightlife culture ...
Vendors set up chairs around their stalls and start bringing in ingredients. These are “yatai” food stands, iconic symbols of Fukuoka city. A total of 100 stalls do business in the city’s ...
T he annual direct market event hosted by the Fukuoka Meat Market, specializing in Kyushu-produced meat, returns! Visitors ...
There are endless urban centers to visit in Japan beyond Tokyo and Kyoto. To shift in a different direction from those two ...
Fukuoka's riverside open-air food stalls are the best in Japan. We pick five that are not to be missed on your next trip Fukuoka, a vibrant city in Japan, is renowned for its unique food culture.