An anime based on Ghost of Tsushima: Legends is currently in the works, with the series set for a 2027 release. The ...
The popular PlayStation game is getting its own anime adaptation from the people behind 'Batman Ninja' and 'Star Wars Visions ...
Crunchyroll announced a new anime series adapted from Sucker Punch Productions’ popular “Ghost of Tsushima” video game.
Released by Sony Interactive Entertainment in 2020, the game Ghost of Tsushima took players on an extraordinary quest through ...
Ghost of Tsushima will be getting an anime adaptation in 2027, and here's everything we know about the project so far.
Over the years Sony has gotten increasingly involved with anime, and this was highlighted at the Consumer Electronics Show ...
In seeking to further expand their PlayStation brands, Sony has teamed with Aniplex and Crunchyroll for a 'Ghost of Tsushima: Legends' anime.
Hit video game ‘Ghost of Tsushima: Legends’ to get an anime series spin and premiere on Sony-owned streaming platform, ...
Crunchyroll, Aniplex, Sony Music, and PlayStation Studios are all collaborating on the upcoming series, which is currently ...
Crunchyroll is a joint venture between U.S.-based Sony Pictures Entertainment and Japan’s Aniplex, a subsidiary of Sony Music Entertainment (Japan), both subsidiaries of Tokyo-based Sony Group.
Crunchyroll has announced that it is teaming with Sony Music and PlayStation Productions for an anime series adaptation of Sucker Punch Productions’ award-winning Ghost of Tsushima video game and its ...