The first microarray scanner, built in 1989 by Stephen Fodor and colleagues at Affymax, was a table-sized, home-built affair that included a Zeiss confocal microscope, a laser, and several mirrors.
Microarray giant Affymetrix has updated two of its more popular expression sets. With the release of the GeneChip ® Mouse Expression Set 430 and Rat Expression Set 230, the company now provides "the ...
The field of DNA microarray data analysis is getting increasingly ... including a survey of current technologies (Affymetrix, spotted glass slide arrays and serial analysis of gene expression ...
One manufacturer of DNA microarrays, Affymetrix, now offers a chip containing approximately 1.8 million different genetic markers. When a fragment of DNA from a test sample hybridizes to a probe ...
Microarray experiments were performed and data were analyzed according to the manufacturer's instructions (Affymetrix). For each xenograft, we extracted total RNA from a pool of two to eight ...