A 35-year-old man in Badlapur, Thane, ended his life by self-immolation after losing his job as a watchman. Identified as Santosh Sawant, he died at a hospital after setting himself on fire.
Night watchman Roland Borg is one of several fascinating people profiled in the new book “Custodians of Wonder.” ...
Roaming around the last resource I happened to find this tiny Sony Watchman Color LCD TV. Of course this thing is way too tiny for a computer monitor. I thought it would be a great thing to have ...
Krushna Raut, the son of a Surat watchman and housemaid, has overcome financial challenges to clear the CA final exam with an ...
The watchman tasked with alerting maintenance workers of oncoming trains was focused on other work when a MARTA train struck an employee earlier this year, according to a preliminary investigative ...
There, he studied Marathi. Along with studies he also worked as a watchman from which he was paid Rs 165 per month. During this time he met Sunil Kulkarni, who was a theater artist. After Sunil ...
The Watchman procedure helps those with atrial fibrillation (AFib). Medicare covers the surgery for eligible beneficiaries. AFib is a common heart rhythm disorder consisting of rapid and irregular ...
Hyderabad:Neela Shekhar, a 50-year-old resident of TMG Colony in Katedan, who used to work as a watchman, visited the ...
Catherine Parker The 3-mile round-trip Watchman Trail doesn't ascend the Watchman Spire, but it does afford a spectacular view of the Watchman, Temples and Towers, lower Zion Canyon and the town ...