The series begins with Raymund’s character, Officer Delgado, on patrol. However, during a stop, she is shot — and bleeds out ...
On Call,' the first half-hour series from 'Law & Order' creator Dick Wolf, is number one on Amazon's streaming charts.
For 18 years, Martin Clunes was the face of British television’s most popular drama series. Clunes played Doc Martin, the ...
In its season finale, “On Call” may have a lot of action and pivotal moments, but it ultimately feels like it stumbled.
On Call is Dick Wolf Entertainment's new police procedural drama, which debuted on Amazon Prime Video on January 9, 2025.
“On Call” is a decent small-scale police procedural. But is it decent enough when it comes from the house of Dick Wolf? The pedigreed eight-part show traded broadcast networks for Prime ...
Amazon Prime’s “On Call,” the latest drama from executive producer Dick Wolf, is so intent on selling audiences on the idea that police are unfairly maligned and in danger every moment ...