FOX5 attended a Henderson city council meeting and captured an exchange with the mayor. A heated exchange ensued between ...
Henderson City Councilwoman Carrie Cox criticized the town’s new governance policy, saying it would disenfranchise voters, before the council adopted it by a 4-1 vote Tuesday night. The ...
Amid legal action, apparent character attacks, and a police chief’s absence, Henderson City Hall broke into disorder again, but both sides are calling for the fighting to ...
because I am tired of being silent," said Councilwoman Monica Larson Councilwoman Carrie Cox retorted, "Well, since you brought up endorsements." The exchange between council members Monica ...
Many of them were plain-clothed officers. Councilwoman Carrie Cox also said she was not a fan of how the news of Chadwick’s leave was handled. Cox said she didn’t find out about the Chief ...
Of the council members, only Councilwoman Carrie Cox offered support for Chadwick, saying she was “disappointed in how this matter was handled.” As well, an online petition to reinstate ...