The vice president was found to have closed the gap to former President Donald Trump in seven swing states, according to a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll.
Vice President Kamala Harris campaigned in Georgia with rapper Megan Thee Stallion as she seeks to keep the battleground state in play for Democrats.
With less than 100 days until Election Day, Vice President Kamala Harris faces unique challenges in pitching her policy ideas to Americans.
Vice President Kamala Harris appears to have energized Democrats in the early days of her candidacy, with the surge in warm feelings extending across multiple groups, including some key Democratic constituencies that had been especially tepid about President Joe Biden,
Harris took several progressive stances on immigration when she sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020. She wanted immigrants who were in the country illegally to be eligible for government healthcare, and she wanted to decriminalize border crossings.
Kamala Harris is in the thick of choosing a vice presidential running mate, with her campaign eying an announcement in the coming days that would be immediately followed by a joint tour of a series of battleground states.
ATLANTA — Vice President Harris, the likely Democratic presidential nominee, held a raucous rally here Tuesday night and challenged Republican Donald Trump to debate her, as both the Harris and Trump campaigns are refocusing attention on this pivotal Southern state amid a political map that could be reshaped by newfound Democratic energy.
Kamala Harris is holding a rally in Atlanta on Tuesday -- her 15th trip to Georgia since taking office and her first trip since launching her own presidential bid.
SEAN HANNITY: We begin with an important message from the Harris campaign. They have kindly now requested that every American disregard anything and everything pretty much Kamala Harris has ever said and done.