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High School Burgas Bulgaria
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High School Yordan Yovkov
High school
Izgrev Distr. Burgas 8000 Burgas
056 860 899
English Language High School Geo Milev
Language school
к-с „Зорница“ п.к. 2, 8000 Burgas, Bulgaria, 8000 Burgas Burgas Burgas
· Closes 8 PM
056 862 949
Electotechnics and Electronics Professional High School Konstantin Fotinov
High school
42 Hristo Botev Burgas 8000 Burgas
056 817 696
Mathematics and Natural Sciences High School Akad. Nikola Obreshkov
High school
19 Stefan Stambolov Burgas 8000 Burgas
056 800 543
MiniBoss Burgas Business School
Private school
Bul. "Stefan Stambolov" 21, 8001 , Burgas Center, 8000 Burgas Burgas Burgas
089 931 9534
Roman Languages High School Georgi Sava Rakovski
High school
19 Stefan Stambolov Burgas 8000 Burgas
087 888 9995
Tourism Professional High School Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov
High school
53 Stefan Stambolov Blvd. Burgas 8000 Burgas
056 716 407
High School Vasil Levski
High school
9 Karlovo Lazur Distr. Burgas 8000 Burgas
056 837 591
High School Dimcho Debelyanov
High school
zhk Slaveykov Burgas 8005 Burgas
056 887 438
Vocational High School of Transport
High school
5 Demokratsia Blvd. Burgas 8000 Burgas
056 820 155
Mechanoelectrotechnics and Electronics Professional High School
High school
69 Stefan Stambolov Blvd. Burgas 8000 Burgas
088 641 9215
High School Dobri Chintulov
High school
Izgrev Distr. Burgas 8000 Burgas
087 906 0846
Trade High School
High school
1 Georgi Shagunov Burgas 8000 Burgas
088 736 9003
Vocational High School Building Projects and Installations Penyo Penev
High school
Zornitsa Distr., Bl.No 46 Burgas 8000 BURGAS
088 800 9676
Construction, Architecture and Geodesy Professional High School Kolyo Ficheto
High school
69 Stefan Stambolov Burgas 8000 Burgas
087 900 5346
German Language High School GOETE
High school
Zornitsa Distr. Burgas 8000 Burgas
056 862 948